More about the company & our values

Products and Services

Blossom Velder Business Consulting & Creative Agency provides business consulting services for all small businesses and individuals such as influencers, artists and self-employed entrepreneurs. We also specialise on creating marketing products such as QR Codes, marketing T-shirts and more marketing oriented designs and content. Our Services include: Website design & development, Graphic design (Logo design, poster design, flyer design, business cards design, book cover design, book formatting, music album cover art design, Info graphics design, Letter-head design, Cartoon/illustrations, Video thumbnails, video intro, news-letter design, brochure design, Business cards design, and Custom QR Code creating for marketing purposes.) & Business consulting services (Business Registration, business plan drafting, business proposal drafting, and business profile, business proposal drafting, Business registration certificate retrieval, business Tax Clearance certificate retrieval, B-BEE Certificate retrieval, and registered business name change.)

In addition to providing these services, we are also busy on a project we named “Project Qonnect” and we developed an app for scanning, and creating qr codes, entrepreneurs and anyone can download it on google playstore and start creating their own qr codes and to scan other qr codes on the go, and to make it even more useful, the app also has voice search for on the go internet browsing. This project goes hand in hand with the QR coded t-shirts we created for marketing purposes. The T-shirts are printed info about the person or company and also a QR code directing user who scans the QR code to more info and details about the person or business with links also to their projects & social media handles.

Company Overview

Blossom Velder pty Ltd, is a new, upscale business consulting and creative agency focusing on providing professional business consulting & graphic design services in a fresh and new manner that ensures growth and cooperation between us and our clients. Our project Qonnect is aimed at improving our clients business whether sole-propelled or company. We believe in innovation and we would also love to be one of the companies that leads others to a brighter future.

Blossom Velder pty Ltd was founded by Ntando Elton Molemi the founder and director of the company after he realised his skills and how he could impact the business world in a way that would change things for the better. The name blossom represent blossoming flowers which in this case the blossoming flowers are all the businesses we work with and we are the bees that aid the blossoming of the flowers which are all the businesses as mentioned, and the Velder comes from the Low-veld term which is used to separate the parts of the Mpumalanga province into the low-veld and the high-veld. Ntando Elton the founder loved the whole idea about bees pollinating plants so that the blossomed flowers may begin fruiting and that connects him to the core of the business as it’s a part of hem. While it has been in the graphic design business for some time, it was in 2019 that we decided to launch Blossom Velder pty Ltd.

The Company has been operating mostly on-line, through our Social Media platforms and we have been able to reach a large number of audience including prospect clients since everyone nowadays online is where you will find them, and we used freelancers & remote working to our advantage and we plan on going further towards that direction as time goes by extending our freelance network and remote working capabilities through empowering our freelancers with efficient remote working gear: such as laptops; stationary and more, but we are now planning on having an actual headquarters to serve as an Agency headquarters as mentioned that is why we are seeking funding. Our current Social Media platforms are as follows:

a) FaceBook Page – Blossom Velder

b) Instagram – blossomvelder01

c) YouTube – Blossom Velder

d) websites - /

e) & a google my business website:

Future Plans

We are planning on expanding towards the digital side of the industry and fully becoming a digital agency, adding digital services such as: More advanced website development; Mobile Application development; Search Engen Optimisation (SEO); Digital skills sharing & development.

Card Image Get Illustrations

Get Illustrations for Children's Story Books [You receive a print-ready book sice we also cover book design], Illustrations for Book Covers, Illustrations fro Music Art Covers & more.

Card Image Get A Website

Check out our very affordable website plans.

Card Image Business Admin Services

We provide business admin services such as Company Registration, Annual Returns Filing, Business Plan Drafting, Business Proposal Drafting, Company Profiles & More.

Card Image Other Design Services

We do Logo Designs, Brand Identity, Business Card Design, Poster Designs, & more.